Call today 0118 950 2275
or 0118 957 4308

Call our friendly team
0118 950 2275
0118 957 4308

How we are keeping you safe

To keep the Practice as safe as possible during this unusual pandemic we have diligently sourced the latest and best protective technologies and procedures from around the world: Switzerland, Germany, South Korea, USA, China and UK. In summary this comprises:

  • Our triage systems, infection prevention and risk management is built on best practice from private dentists and researchers in the UK and other countries who have successfully avoided infection risk while carrying out first class dentistry.
  • We check every patient is symptom-free and has not recently been exposed to known risky environments or infected people.
  • We check the temperature of team and all patients alike every day on entry to identify and isolate any fever, which is one of the main symptoms of Covid-19.
  • Meticulous and frequent hand washing practiced and alcohol gel posted around the building.
  • Common parts of the building which may be touched by patients are frequently and obsessively wiped at every opportunity by the clinical and reception team. The door handles are covered by plastic which are replaced frequently.

We have invested extensively in the following equipment, materials and methods:

  • Latest high-volume air suction/extraction from inside the mouth to remove any droplets or mist formed during essential dental procedures. This has shown that it reduces the spread of small particles , the size of this Corona virus , by 95%.
  • Best purpose-made PPE Personal Protective Equipment for dentist and staff.
  • All uniform/clothing/scrubs beneath PPE washed every day at 60 degree C (or more often if required).
  • Dentist, nurses, hygienists, use PPE gowns, aprons, face-shields/eyewear, fitted respirator face masks and gloves in accordance with national guidelines.
  • Patients are provided with disposable PPE masks, gloves on request.
  • Protective screens in reception.
  • Patients and Staff antiviral alcohol hand-wash dispensers in both entries, reception and each room.
  • Extended clear-periods between patients to allow cleaning and air-clearance after any aerosol generating procedure, before next patient and to reduce the number of patients per day.

In total this investment in the latest pandemic antiviral safe equipment, consumables and practices is substantial and equal to or better than top surgical theatre standards and far more meticulous than any public building, hospital, doctor’s surgery, shop, office, salon, restaurant, taxi, plane or train.

Many thanks all, let’s stay safe and healthy

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Emergency Dentist
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